Sunday, September 28, 2014

It's about time!

Yes, I know.  It has been a while, and after the year I had last year, you would think it couldn't have gotten worse.  Well, to make this part short and sweet, I have an awesome class!  The mix is so good and they are all so sweet and loving.  A little lazy, but definitely have good hearts.  All the other stuff going on like TKES, SLO's, lots of curriculum changes, lesson plan formats, book studys, etc. has me beyond overwhelmed.

I have been trying to keep my head afloat and be a great teacher at the same time.  I am beginning to feel like I am attempting to swim rather than doggy paddling.

The main focus of most of our changes seems to be differentiation, so I am totally on board with that.  We are starting the Guided Reading program this year in our county and it is starting to come together nicely.  I finally have it all organized, I've gotten students used to being responsible without me standing over them, and I've called my reading groups to the back table to run through a lesson.  I am excited to see how smooth this will be running by the end of next month.

I am also very excited about my dry erase board back table.  I ordered dry erase laminate from Amazon, and my amazing hubby put it on my back table for me.  The students love it and I love it!  They always tell me how much fun it is to come to the back table.  Some of them get UPSET when I don't call them during Differentiated Math group time.  Of course, this was a Pinterest idea that I saw so I can't take full credit.  And if my principal or asst. principal is reading this, it peels right up with no residue. LOL

I know said that I am totally on board with differentiation.  The problem is, all the things they are expecting us to do with it, mixed with all the other "stuff" (for lack of a nicer word), has me working ALL the time.  I have two little boys and big boy at home, as so many teachers do and I am torn everyday as to when to put it down.  I mean, I can't have the administrators walk in the next day and I not have it all together.  And I don't want my boys feeling like I don't spend enough time with them.  So, I am trying to figure all of that out.  I have been differentiating with my lessons, small groups, and pulling students when needed.  So, I guess it could be worse it I was having to completely figure it all out.

As I trudge through all the changes and differentiation going on this year, I will try to be better about posting.  I would like suggestions on differentiating SS, Science, and especially Language Arts.  I have to teach language arts skills, like collective nouns, reflexive pronouns, and have students write at the same time and I have a WIDE range of ability levels when it comes to writing in my room.  If you have any for me, please feel free to leave a comment.

I also have my place value organizers that I have been using for Math.  You can download the sampler from TPT here.  Or get the full product here.