Thursday, May 22, 2014

And That's a Wrap!

Today was the official last day of school for teachers (the students' last day was Tues).  I am ready for the break, but the sad thing is, I can't turn it off!  I have been on my computer looking up Georgia Regions, Rivers, and the Creek and Cherokee Indians.  Why?  I just always want to do it better, I guess.  So, I am always looking for ways to make it better for the kids.
We have a lot of changes coming for the upcoming school year.  The "control freak" in me wants to deal with those now, so I can start preparing.  Every year, I keep thinking it will be a normal year, then BAM, some kind of wrench gets thrown in there.  One day, the higher ups will finally get it, right?  They will remember what it was like to be in a class with 25 2nd graders with no help, and they will send in reinforcements.  Hey a girl can dream!  *Sigh* 
Here's to wishful thinking.  For those still teaching those last few days, good luck winding it down.  I hope everyone has a restful summer!  

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